Collection Development Policy

Collection Development (COL)
COL-1 Selection Criteria
1. The Library endorses the Library Bill of Rights as adopted by the American Library Association.
Material selection is based on the value of the item to the Library and its public, regardless of
the personal tastes of the selectors.
2. The Library tries to select material of merit based on intelligent presentation of ideas,
authenticity, and clarity of style. Physical quality of the material will be a factor in the final
3. Collection development staff use their training, knowledge and expertise along with the
following general criteria to select materials for the collection:
• Relevance to interests and needs of the community
• Extent of publicity, critical review and current or anticipated demand
• Current or historical significance of the author or subject
• Relevance to the existing collection’s strengths and weaknesses
• Reputation and qualifications of the author, publisher or producer, with preference generally
given to titles vetted in the editing and publishing industry
• Suitability of format to Library circulation and use
• Date of publication
• Price, availability and Library materials budget

COL-2 Request for Purchase of Specific Materials
1. Any member of the public or an organization may request a specific item or items to be
purchased by the library. See Appendix A for the proper form to be used. These requests will be
evaluated by the Library Director.

COL-2 Weeding
1. Materials may be withdrawn if they are little used or superseded by a new edition or better
work in the same subject. Depth and breadth of varying degrees are desirable in various areas of
the collection.
2. Materials are usually kept as long as they are in good condition and continue to circulate;
exceptions to this rule are books deemed important for their cultural or research purposes.
Weeding of materials will occur constantly.
3. The selector will evaluate the collection by identifying areas or titles where additional materials
are needed, older editions which need to be updated, and subjects, titles, or authors that are no
longer of interest or need to the community.
4. Withdrawn materials which are in good condition may be sold.
5. The following criteria are used in selecting materials for withdrawal:
• Damage or poor condition
• No longer relevant to the needs and interest of the community
• Infrequent use and lack of demand
• No longer accurate
• Availability elsewhere including other libraries and online

COL-3 Donated Materials
1. Books and other materials will be accepted as a gift on the condition the Librarian has the
authority to do with the materials whatever she feels is advisable. The Library will not accept for
deposit materials which are not gifts. Gifts to the library will be judged on the same basis as
purchased materials.
2. Memorials
The memorials will be placed in the community of which the deceased was from, unless
otherwise stated by the donor. A form will be typed for each book donated for a person and
placed in a book for public use, plus a book for library use.

COL-4 Outdated or Unused Equipment
1. Outdated or unused equipment may be discarded with Board approval. Technological
equipment in the form of hardware or software that is at least three years old may be discarded
at the discretion of the Library Director without prior Library Board approval.

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