Circulation Policy

Circulation Services (CIR)
1. Library cards are issued free of charge to those persons entering 1st grade or older. Children
from 1st grade through age 17 years must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.
2. Signing the library card registration form means that the patrons agree to all of the library’s
rules and regulations set forth in the library policy
3. Patron’s wishing to check out materials must have their cards with them.
4. The Ridgemont Public Library’s library staff does not act in loco parentis (in place of
parents/guardians) when any child is checking out materials or utilizing the internet. Monitoring
or limiting access to either print or online materials, by a child, is the responsibility of the parent
or legal guardian, NOT the library staff.
5. Patrons new to the Ridgemont Public Library will be given the status of either Adult
Probationary card holder or Juvenile Probationary card holder for their first 90 days. This status
means that these card holders may only have 5 items (3 books, 1 movie, 1 magazine) out on
their cards at a time. Once the 90 days is up, and if the patron has no fines on their account,
their card will then be switched to a normal card holder status, and said patron will be able to
enjoy all the benefits subscribed to a non-probationary card member.

CIR-1 Library Cards for Residents
1. Persons registering for a card will be asked for their current license or State ID which proves
their Ridgeway/Mt. Victory address.

CIR-2 Library Cards for Non-Residents
1. If Patrons live outside of Ridgeway/Mt. Victory, or have recently moved but do not yet have a
new license reflecting this move, the library may ask for a piece of mail from a utility or
government organization to confirm their current address.

CIR-3 Loan Periods and Loan Limits
1. Most books and audio books are due back 3 weeks from the day they are checked out.
2. DVD’s, CD’s, and magazines are due back 1 week from the day they are checked out.
3. No reference book is to be removed from the premises (i.e. encyclopedias, atlases, dictionaries,
or other similar material)
4. Newspapers are non-circulating

CIR-4 Renewals
1. Items are automatically renewed up to 4 times. Items will not renew if they are on hold for
another patron.
2. To renew an item:
a. Bring it to either library on or before the due date
b. Call the library at either 937-354-4445 (main library) or 937-363-3066 (branch library)
c. Use our online system located at

CIR-5 Reserves
1. Patrons may have up to fifty (50) item requests in the SEO system at a time; requests can be
made at the front desk, on the telephone, or via the library’s online catalog. A person will be
notified by phone, text, or email when a request becomes available. If that is not possible, a
postcard will be mailed to the patron. If the person does not pick up the item within one week,
the item will go to the next person in the request queue or back to the shelves.

CIR-6 Lost or Damaged Materials
1. Lost or damaged books must be paid for. If you are the parent or guardian who signed for a
child’s library card, you are responsible for their books/items.

CIR-7 Fines and Fees
1. We are a Fine Free Library, with exceptions to lost or damaged materials.
2. Patron accounts with replacement costs will not be allowed to check any materials out until the
balance has been paid. This applies to any library cards within that patron’s household. In the
case of a patron who has flagrantly abused borrowers’ privileges and/or neglected to pay fines,
borrowing privileges may be suspended until it can be ascertained if the patron can and will
follow library policies.