Technology/Internet Policy

Technology Services (TEC)

TEC-1 Internet Use
1. Wi-Fi is available for patrons and may be found by logging on to our Patron computers. No
password is required. Currently remote printing from personal computers is not possible.
2. It is understood by users of the internet that most of the information is not generated by the
Ridgemont Public Library. The internet is not warranted by the Ridgemont Public Library to be
accurate, authoritative, factual, or complete. The availability of internet information via the
Library does not constitute any endorsement or ratification of that information. The Library is
not responsible for the content of internet information available. The use of the Internet to
engage in any activity which constitutes violation of local, state, and/or federal laws is strictly
3. All users of this service agree to hold the Ridgemont Public Library harmless from any and all
claims, losses, damages, obligations or liabilities directly or indirectly related to the use of the
internet, caused thereby or arising therefrom. In no event shall the library have any liability for
lost profits or for indirect liability to any third party, even if the Library is advised of the
possibility of such damages.
4. The Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) website is provided for information
purposes only. OPLIN collects no personal information from website visitors. OPLIN uses cookies
to collect traffic data for analysis, and OPLIN uses Google Analytics to track general use, but
OPLIN does not track or permanently record information about individuals and their visits. While
the information contained within the website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that
the information provided in the website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Through the
website you are able to link to other websites which are not under the control of OPLIN. We
have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links
does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them. All
users of the website agree to hold OPLIN harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages,
obligations or liabilities, directly or indirectly relating to the website and/or the networked
information available via the website, caused thereby or arising therefrom.
In no event shall OPLIN have any liability for lost profits or for indirect, special, punitive, or
consequential damages or any liability to any third party, even if OPLIN is advised of the
possibility of such damages.
(Adopted by the OPLIN Board on April 8, 2016 combining two earlier policies.)

TEC-2 Use of Library Personal Computers
1. The Ridgemont Public Library’s computers access the internet which is a global entity with a
highly diverse user population; library patrons use it at their own risk.
2. As with other library materials, it is the patron or the parent/legal guardian of the minor child
who assumes responsibility for supervising access to the internet resources of the Library.
3. The computers will be used for educational, informational, and recreational purposes only, not
for unauthorized, illegal, or unethical purposes. As such, a patron may not send, receive, or
display text or graphics which may be reasonably construed as obscene.
4. The viewing of pornographic material is not permitted and will result in the expulsion of
privileges; viewing or sharing child pornography is illegal and will result in a visit from the Police
Department, as well as expulsion of privileges.
5. Users will respect the rights of others by not misrepresenting themselves to other users; by not
attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords or data belonging to others; by seeking
unauthorized access to the computer system or by not damaging or altering components of any
network or database.
6. Misuse of library computers or failure to abide by any policy may lead to the suspension of
computer privileges. Employees will monitor computer use and have been authorized to
suspend privileges due to misuse.
7. Due to the risk of downloaded material containing destructive malware, the Library will not be
held responsible for any damage related to use of downloaded material.
8. There should be no more than two people at any computer terminal at one time.
9. Library staff is available to assist patrons in computer use as much as their experience and
knowledge allows. Library staff cannot provide in-depth training.